Loba - Loba

Loba - Loba

da-u-lu n c-ka-lang...

da-u-lu n c-ka-lang...

Sunday, June 6, 2010

budak uma sewa...

Mase part 1, mule study kite mesti dapat kemudahan hostel.. Tapi I xbape nak suke stay kat hostel coz dari form 1 sampai form 5 dah dok hostel.. Dah tu, aktiviti melambak mase part 1 kan.. Kawad kaki la.. qiam laa.. Ceramah tazkirah la.. sukaneka laa.. Mcm xblh nak wat sendiri kan.. Anyway sume tu mengajar untuk mendisiplinkan diri.. tapi masuk part 2 dah mule cari rumah sewa.. Kononnye nak try idup survive sendirila dari kene wat segala bende yg mmbuatkan kite bz manjang sampai xleh balik uma.. (indu kat mak la katekan..) But then, carilah umah sendiri.. Bile dah dapat, wow.. (ko rase lah sendiri)

Nak tau kenapa I ckp mcm tu? Sebab i dah setahun duduk dengan housemate yg ntah hape2 ntah.. Weird la jugak at first bile berhadapan dgn mereka2 ini.. About my housemate.. They are so pretty.. But they dont even know about cleanliness.. U know what? Rambut biarkan aje kat lubang air tu.. Sinki tersumbat pun they just leave it.. bile i dah bersihkan dowg post kat fb kononnye dowg lah yg telah membersihkan segala kekotoran.. Damn these gurl.. Hate their way.. Bile basuh toilet sikit, pastu bersihkan peti ais post besar2 kat fb kate merekalah insan yg terbersih, terbaik, and terpaling rajin di dunia.. (konon la..)

Bile bergaduh mesti nak melibatkan owg lain.. (what?) These gurl kan.. They r like angles when first time get in the house.. Sembahyang tonggang terbalik.. Very clean.. Proper.. But then, after a few month their true colors arise!! (hahaha.... at last!) Rupenye clubbing, drinking.. Warnekan rambut sampai nampak macam dawai karat.. (so dumb) Hey gurl.. If u r not that Islamic, xpayahla nak tunjuk2 yg u tu baik.. (buang mase je..) I pun bukanlah baik sangat sampai nak cakap dowg macam tu tapi, just think if they did all sort of things that u dont even like..

If u all want to know, they all nie kuar kemas bilik they all and barang2 they all je.. yang len sume tinggalkan kat owg yang last skali balik (thats me..) Thank God I nie rajin sket.. Blh la kemas2 buang semua sampah sarap yang dowg tinggalkan.. Its like hell u know? Bawak Cikin pun dye just tlg tgk tv jek.. (ape dah..) I dah mcm Pah Bedah dah... (hehehehehehe) Okay.. thats all for today..


  1. hoi..rupe nye ENGKAU ngomel2 aku xtolong kemas yep!!!citt..hahahha...tapi da true is..mmg aku bole bygkan ousemate ko cmne la..msok uma sewa ko aritu i was like !@#$%^&**...is this ur house or wat..damn shit speechless..heheh...

    p/s:bukan aku tamau tolong yep...tpi dat SUSUK POCONG goda i syroh tgk die sampai i lupe nk tolong u..hahah...tau2 la i suke gile tgk cite sengarot dua ngarot bgtu..ngeh..ngeh..ngeh..

  2. hahaha... see... told u so.. dah kate dah.. tapi pasal post kat atas nie aq ketepikan mira and kak riz coz dowg xsame cam dak2 uma aq tu.. so damn shit..

  3. dear my gal..
    wehh..ko wt aku takot nk dok uma sewa la...
    aku pn pnh jmp org yg cm ni..
    muke nk jg hbs tp uma sewa masyaallah...
    tuhan saje yg tau..
    smp aku lak yg nk g amek pnyapu
    kemas uma d0rg 2..
    huhu..(rajin konon...but its true bebeh)
    yg bestnye d0rang DAT people..
    patotnye lg kemas dr blik aku
    yg kt kmsis 2 kot..h0h0h0~

  4. tu lah pasalnyek.. aq lagik kepening lalatan menengoknye.. coz aq yg dok citu... hahahahaha...
