Loba - Loba

Loba - Loba

da-u-lu n c-ka-lang...

da-u-lu n c-ka-lang...

Saturday, June 12, 2010

anak oh anak..

Pertama dan kaulah selamanya... That's for my beloved mother.. By the way.. Kalu u all tau la kan.. Emak tu segale2 nye untuk kite kan.. Even kalu dah kawen pun, emak tetap emak.. Time kite kicik2, omma kite tatang mcm minyak yg penuh.. Dibelai.. Dijage.. Dicium.. Dipeluk.. (Oooohhh... Indu lak kat mak..) Mase kite sakit, mak jage.. Makan.. Minum.. Pakaian.. Pelajaran.. Sumenye dijage dengan rapi.. (Omma!!!!) Kasih sayang xpernah berbelah bahagi.. (huuuu... cedih lak..)

~omma bersama iman~

Tapi kenape perlu terlalu sayang kepada kekasih lebih dari emak kite.. (xpuas ati sungguh..) I pun dah bagi tau kat ehem I yg I tetap akan lebihkan emak I dari segal2nye.. Sebab, she's my mother.. U all know that feel right? Lelaki kalu dah berkahwin pun mesti mendahulukan emaknye dahulu.. U know that turn right?

1. Emak
2. Emak
3. Emak
4. Bapak
5. Ur wife..

Kalau ye pun terutang budi dengan family ur wife, xkan lah sanggup melukai hati emak yg mengandungkan u all selama 9 bulan lebih atau kurang tuh.. (geram2..) When u r grown up, and u are married, u should know what is right and what is wrong to do.. U SHOULD KNOW THAT!! Kenape perlu melukai hati si ibu.. That's really not right.. Everyone will agree with me..

I xpernah sakit.. (setakat demam tu xteruk pun.. biase2 je adelah..) I xpernah rase mak I jage I mase sakit sebab I xsakit teruk.. (huhuhu) But.. I still take care of my mom when she is sick.. I am a nurse for my mom.. (omma.. cyg omma) I paling takut nak tipu mak I.. And I will never ever lie to her.. (that's my promise..) Tapi kenape my siblings xrase mcm ape yg I rase?... I don't understand that.. They all sakit mak I berposak2 jage kat Hospital.. Tapi when my mom check in Hospital, susah betul they all nak jenguk mak I.. (Urgghhh... So sick of it!!)

Mase they all nak kawen, masing2 mintak simpati parent I.. Tapi bile dah kawen, sume tinggalkan utang kat parent I.. For what? Untuk mengingatkan my parent yg mereka ade anak2 yg xkenang jase? Oh my.. That's not really for good reason.. Simpan wet kawen xseberape pastu nak kecoh2 kate my parent amek duit la ape la.. Hey.. U pakai wet I pun, I halalkan.. Xkan parent amek wet untuk bayar utang kawen u, u nak pertikaikan? Kalu macam tu, xpayah kawen la bro..

Today should be the happiest day ever for my parent because, they wanted to see their grandson.. BUT!!! Today had been the sadddest day ever for my mom.. I really sad looking at her.. Dah jumpe cucu pun.. Tapi.. Selame xsampai setengah jam, my brother dah amek Iman balik.. (That's so cruel bro! You make mak sad n crying even when she is sleeping.. Damn!!)

~iman sengeh2 kene agah dgn omma~

~omma tgh tidur dlm tangisan..~

Hey guys.. this is a real story of mine.. Don't ever buat mak u all nangis.. Xcium bau syurga nanti.. Love ur mum as much as she love u all.. Give her a hug or more everytime u see her like u will never see her again, kiss her like u will never kiss her again and love her like u will never ever going to love her tomorrow..

P/S: Time kasih kepada omma yg xpernah jemu melayan karenah Adik.. Adik sayang emak selamanya..

Monday, June 7, 2010

Kakak sedare I dirisik..

Today is the hardest day for me.. Because;
1)wake up early in the morning,
2)nobody at home..
3)got to help my cousin..
By the way.. I have to help of course.. Nanti, turn I pulak dowg datang tolong...
(I like it!!!) Wow.... Ade owg datang merisik.. Tapi rasenye mcm nak bertunang jek kenduri tadi.. (ayat macam I lak yg dirisik... hahahahahaha)

Know what.. I diberi mandat untuk membungkus kek marble yg Kak Yah buat mlm tadi.. I siap amek resipi lagi.. Xlame lagi I buat la pulak.. (hahahaha) Balik citer pasal bungkus kek.. Punyelah payah I nak membungkus kek tu.. (Alasan: macam mane I nak ikat reben nie?) Mule2 ikat pakai reben kain.. owh.. It is so horrible.. Susah nak cerite.. Dah tu susah pulak nak buat nampak cantik.. Last2.. Kak Wati bagi reben kertas jek.. So at the end, inilah hasilnyek..

~nasib baik tangan I berseni..~

And then, tibe2 tangan nie menjadi lebih berseni.. I letak bunga putih sekuntum.. hahahaha... (sejak bile I jadi minah bunge ek?)

~after adding the white flower.. (suci la tuh)~

Ayak.. Ade a bit penat la jugak.. I tolong siang kacang panjang selama 20 minit.. Xbanyak mane pun.. Tapi I nie mmg lembap sket bab2 menyiang nie.. BUT!! Lembap xbermakne I xtau memasak k.. Then, potong2 tempeh and cili idop.. (maklumlah.. makcik I owg jawe.. xblh lepas dgn tempeh)

After the arrival from pihak lelaki, I pun tolong2 lah sedare mare I ubuh lauk dalam loyang.. (sape xtau loyang tu ape, pegi hentak kepale kat dinding k) dah siap sume, I pun terusla melepakkan diri kat dapur tu sambil mengambil pic.. Tapi ari nie xde feel nak amek pic sendiri.. (bowink pulak sek tangkap pic sendiri t nenek I cakap I perasan pulak.. (a bit r.. hahaha) Below is the pic that I meant..

~sambil lepak I minum la air Sunquick + susu krim.. (shiok!!!)~

~kat situ la dowg dok bkumpul duduk ramai2..~

~this is Merah scientific name is Yah (hahahaha)~

Dan setelah selesai semua tugasan yang telah diberi, I pun dengan bangge nye membungkus segala lauk untuk dibawa balik uma.. (xmalu sungguh) Xde tanye2 lagik.. Terus amek jek..

Sunday, June 6, 2010

budak uma sewa...

Mase part 1, mule study kite mesti dapat kemudahan hostel.. Tapi I xbape nak suke stay kat hostel coz dari form 1 sampai form 5 dah dok hostel.. Dah tu, aktiviti melambak mase part 1 kan.. Kawad kaki la.. qiam laa.. Ceramah tazkirah la.. sukaneka laa.. Mcm xblh nak wat sendiri kan.. Anyway sume tu mengajar untuk mendisiplinkan diri.. tapi masuk part 2 dah mule cari rumah sewa.. Kononnye nak try idup survive sendirila dari kene wat segala bende yg mmbuatkan kite bz manjang sampai xleh balik uma.. (indu kat mak la katekan..) But then, carilah umah sendiri.. Bile dah dapat, wow.. (ko rase lah sendiri)

Nak tau kenapa I ckp mcm tu? Sebab i dah setahun duduk dengan housemate yg ntah hape2 ntah.. Weird la jugak at first bile berhadapan dgn mereka2 ini.. About my housemate.. They are so pretty.. But they dont even know about cleanliness.. U know what? Rambut biarkan aje kat lubang air tu.. Sinki tersumbat pun they just leave it.. bile i dah bersihkan dowg post kat fb kononnye dowg lah yg telah membersihkan segala kekotoran.. Damn these gurl.. Hate their way.. Bile basuh toilet sikit, pastu bersihkan peti ais post besar2 kat fb kate merekalah insan yg terbersih, terbaik, and terpaling rajin di dunia.. (konon la..)

Bile bergaduh mesti nak melibatkan owg lain.. (what?) These gurl kan.. They r like angles when first time get in the house.. Sembahyang tonggang terbalik.. Very clean.. Proper.. But then, after a few month their true colors arise!! (hahaha.... at last!) Rupenye clubbing, drinking.. Warnekan rambut sampai nampak macam dawai karat.. (so dumb) Hey gurl.. If u r not that Islamic, xpayahla nak tunjuk2 yg u tu baik.. (buang mase je..) I pun bukanlah baik sangat sampai nak cakap dowg macam tu tapi, just think if they did all sort of things that u dont even like..

If u all want to know, they all nie kuar kemas bilik they all and barang2 they all je.. yang len sume tinggalkan kat owg yang last skali balik (thats me..) Thank God I nie rajin sket.. Blh la kemas2 buang semua sampah sarap yang dowg tinggalkan.. Its like hell u know? Bawak Cikin pun dye just tlg tgk tv jek.. (ape dah..) I dah mcm Pah Bedah dah... (hehehehehehe) Okay.. thats all for today..

cuti cuti kite...

Masa kite tgh ade kelas mesti asek terpikir pasal cuti.. Tapi bile dah cuti kite mati akal lak nak wat pe kan.. Hmm.. Dua mggu mula cuti, ade aje tempat nak di tuju.. lepas tu? hahahaha... langsung xtau nak gi mane.. dok la lepak umah.. nie ade sket capture mase balik dari gunung ledang ari tu.. lepak2 kat Muar..